Sunday, January 22, 2012



Here's the abbreviated version:The definition of happiness shouldn’t be constricted to a set idea, defined at one point in time, nor should it be influenced by Facebook's news feed, E! News, Twitter or any other social media outlet that seemingly bombards almost every aspect of our, undeniable, technological world. Maybe not so simply put, happiness should be an ever changing understanding of our current awareness of self, which enables us to evolve in ways that allows happiness to permeate & thrive in each day we're grateful to have - Period!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Old Man Time

Life caught up to me & I have no idea where time went!? Last time I checked, I was practicing hand-offs with my sister during track practice, and Shaun & I were off to the latest movie at Tinsel Town…


Now I’m combing through Shaun & I’s finances, explaining if we pay extra on our monthly mortgage, we can have our house paid off in ten years, which would put us around the ripe age of 38.


Since when was the thought of turning 40 on the near horizon? The thought isn’t necessarily bad, just caught me by surprise. It made me realize that, going forward, I need to be more cognizant of the moment, take a deep breath & slow down.

All too often I find myself rushing to get to the next feat, “after this semester is over, I’ll be able to student teach,” “once student teaching is over, I’ll be able to have my own classroom,” “now that we have a house, what can we do to it?!” I really need to take a step back, reevaluate everything we’ve accomplished thus far & applaud ourselves for a job well done - & leave it at that!

Maybe it’s a little late to declare a 2012 New Year’s resolution, but better late than never…From this point forward, there will be no more “nexting.” I’m not going to consume myself in what I can do next, while what I have in front of me isn’t even over(!) & make it a point to live one day at a time. If I don't make the effort now, after a blink of an eye, I'll be 60, sittin’ on the dock of the bay, watchin’ the tide roll away…and wonder, "what the heck happened to my thirties, forties & fifties?"